A series of dump.# files, containing the positions of the atoms (both the real atoms in the atomistic domain and the interpolated atoms in the coarse-grained domain), are created by the output component of the Python interface, with a frequency of output_freq. A dump.lammps file which, in addition to the nodal/atomic positions, may also contain the nodal/atomic velocities information if simulation_style = dynamics or hybrid, is also created in the beginning of the simulation. All these dump.* files can be read and analyzed by OVITO --- The Open Visualization Tool, which provides a variety of analyses.

A common usage of OVITO to process the dump.* files is to visualize the dislocations. First, import any dump.# file into OVITO. Then load the Dislocation analysis (DXA) modifier and deselect the Particles in Display. This approach applies to both the FCC and BCC metals.

To visualize lattice defects other than dislocations, e.g., stacking faults, twin boundaries, other modifiers. For FCC metals, the Common neighbor analysis modifier can be loaded, followed by that selected FCC particles are deleted to visualize the defects. For BCC metals, the Centrosymmetry parameter modifier can be loaded, then atoms with a large Centrosymmetry parameter are selected and deleted to visualize the defects.