

dump output_freq reduce_freq restart_freq log_freq
  • output_freq, reduce_freq, restart_freq, log_freq = positive integer


dump 500 300 1000 10


This command sets the frequency with which the output is performed. For example, when a certain frequency is 100, the corresponding output is conducted when the total step is divisible by 100.

output_freq sets the frequency with which the dump.# files (readable by OVITO) and the *.vtk files (readable by ParaView) are written to the disk system. The user may then post-process these files for visualization purpose and for further analysis.

reduce_freq sets the frequency with which certain quantities are written to group_cal_# (when cal_number > 0) andcac.log by root, which MPI_Reduces relevant information from other processors.

restart_freq sets the frequency with which the cac_out_#.restart files are written to the disk system. These files can be read to restart simulations. If the total number of groups > 0, a series of group_out_*_#.id files are also created. These files can be read to provide restart groups.

log_freq sets the frequency with which one line is written to the cac.log file and the screen to monitor the simulation progress.


dump_init.f90 and dump.f90


dump 1000 1000 5000 50