

convert i j k
  • i, j, k = real number


convert -1. 1. 2.
convert 1. -1. 0.


This command converts the crystallographic orientation [i``j``k] of each grain to the orientation with respect to the simulation cell [i'``j'``k']. Results of this conversion will be shown on the screen as

Converted box direction of grain # is i' j' k'

where the positive integer # is the grain ID.

For example, if the lattice orientation of the second grain along the x axis is [211], this command will convert the [211] crystallographic orientation into [100] and output

Converted box direction of grain 2 is 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000

This command is useful when the user has a set of crystallographic orientations in mind and wants to find the orientation with respect to the simulation cell, e.g., to be used in the box_dir command.



convert 0. 0. 0.